Round 1 Public Meetings
Round 1 Engagement: Community Input
During Round 1 of our public engagement efforts, the project team collected feedback from residents and businesses owners along the corridor to understand what the community wants to be included in the transit-oriented development (TOD) plan.
In early Summer 2021, we conducted three public meetings, a survey, and an interactive map, each designed to collect input from participants. This feedback, summarized in the graphic to the right, helped to inform station design plans later shared during Round 2 of public engagement.
The summary graphic to the right captures an overview of the input received in public meetings and in the survey. To view the Round 1 Engagement Summary at full size, you can download it using the link below.
For additional questions, please contact us at info@advancingeastlancaster.com.
Round 1 Public Meetings
JUNE 15:
Time: Jun 15, 2021, 12:00 PM
This meeting has ended. Watch the meeting recording below!
JUNE 16:
Time: Jun 16, 2021, 4:00 PM
This meeting has ended. Watch the meeting recording below!
JUNE 17:
Time: Jun 17, 2021, 6:00 PM
This meeting has ended. Watch the meeting recording below!
The same presentation slides were used in each meeting. You can review the presentation in English and Spanish below.