Public Meetings
Final Public Meeting
March 31 at 7 p.m.
Thank you for participating in the final Virtual Public Meeting for Advancing East Lancaster. Your community feedback has helped to create the transit-oriented development (TOD) plan and the planned improvements will help create a more connected, accessible, and thriving corridor for the community.
Past Meetings
Two rounds of public meetings were completed to bring stakeholders, the community and project representatives together to help guide the development of the plan. Engagement objectives consisted of an inclusive approach to reach the diverse community to establish a partnership that guideed the development of an implementable plan.
We shared information on:
Opportunities for increased pedestrian and bike traffic
How your feedback could influence the design
Possible station locations
What development could look like around them
Prior Meetings
The City of Fort Worth and Trinity Metro hosted two public meetings, the first in Sept. 2020 and the second during Nov. 2020 to present an overview of challenges and opportunities along the corridor, the potential for new development, and options for transportation improvements.
Round 1 Meetings
The first round of engagement meetings were held during the week of June 15, 2021. They aimed to update the public on prior corridor planning and initiatives, current existing conditions of the corridor, plan goals and objectives, and to gather vital input to guide plan development.
Round 2 Meetings
The second round of engagement updated the public on community and stakeholder input and reviewed plan recommendations.
In-Person and virtual meetings were held during the week of October 25, 2021.
Key Stakeholder Meetings
Individual key stakeholder meetings may be held during each round of engagement to engage with partner organizations, communities, and business.
Advisory Working Group Meetings
The advisory group will serve as a steering committee made up of key Fort Worth Transportation Authority (Trinity Metro) and City of Fort Worth staff. Periodic working group meetings will be held to guide plan development.